NPCs are in alphabetical order! Use Ctrl+F (Command+F on a Mac) to find the NPC you need!
Admiral Leonard: Located on the top-left arm of Starfish Isle
Anabelle: Top part of the second section of Vine Isle.
Ariela: On Lava Isle, on the beach south of Molten Meadows.
Asher: Outside the small lava maze on the bottom-left blob of main Lava Isle
Capri: Inside Bridle Forest. Rake in the top-left corner of this collection of trees to get inside of this patch without a peg/unipeg
Cheeky: Located on the bottom-third section of Vine Isle, on the right side of the jungle.
Crash Joller: Located on the bottom-left arm of Starfish Isle
Dorothy: Located on the nose of Dolphin Isle
Dotti: Located in Thumper Forest on Hare Isle
Edgar: Located on the bottom-left end of Crossbones Isle
Epona: Located on Igneous Isle
Guru Wiseman: West of the dead tree on Haven Isle
Fauna: Another Faun hidden in a weird clearing, located in Shell Forest on Turtle Isle. Use your rake in the bottom right corner, below the dead tree, to get inside of the clearing without a peg/unipeg
Fergus O'Toole: Top right petal of Flower Isle
Gofer: On the bottom-left side of Web Isle
Iambe: Another Faun, Iambe is located in West Treeton Forest on Horse Isle. Rake in the bottom right corner of the group of trees to get inside the clearing without a peg/unipeg.
Icy: Very north part of Snow Isle
Isleen: On Lava Isle, southeast of Molten Meadows [PIC COMING SOON]
Jack B. Nimble: Located on the main Cloud Isle
Magda: On the right side of Hat Isle
Mama Bunny: Located on the right ear of Hare Isle
Mama Guinea: On Hare Isle
Octavius: On the third Neverending Isle
Orly: Northeast of Equestrian Park on Horse Isle
Paras: Bottom-middle Cloud Isle
Parisa: Pumice Isle
Pearl: Bottom-left leg of Starfish Isle, use your shovel
Robin: Inside the willow tree on Rider Isle. Use your shovel on the bottom right of the tree
Rodney: Next to the wagon on Hoof Isle
Scamper: On the south part of Desert Isle
Scooter: On Tail Isle, near Tail End
Scuttle: On the south part of Desert Isle
Shastri: On the left side of the bottom section of Vine Isle
Spencer: In Mystic Forest on Saddle Isle
Studly: Inside the smaller maze on the bottom-left blob of Lava Isle
Ugly Duckling: On the top-most island of Cloud Isle
Waldo: Northeast part of Berg Isle
Will: On the far bottom-right end of Saddle Isle
Zak: On the bottom-left blob of Lava Isle
Zik: On the bottom-right blob of Lava Isle
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