Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 13th Updates

Formatting issues continue to be the bane of my existence, but at least I've got Dolphin Isle quests posted now!  I also added a new tab to the navigation pane:  Crafting Locations.  I think I've found every workshop!  If I missed one, message me and I'll get it!

Chat Riddles are still really lacking, but I'm still working on it!

Next, Desert Quests.

- SoulPieces

Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 25th Update

New breeds, tack, and companions!  Added the tack/companion locations to their respective pages.

For those of you PO-ing the new breed, good luck!  I have no idea how to pronounce the name of the horse, but still.  It's pretty cool.

Of course, still working on the quests and chat riddles.  Stay updated!


Monday, February 19, 2018

February 19th Update

Wow, as it turns out, Treeton is so easily forgettable that I completely forgot to make a section for that town's quests.

I'll get right on that, it's been moved to the top of my priority list.

In other news, I've started working on chat riddle answers.  I'll send the page live before too long.  Once it's published, please feel free to send in any missing riddles that you see while playing, even if you're not sure what the answer is.  I'll happily credit you for your contribution!

Thanks for reading!

- SoulPieces

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3rd Update

Happy New Year!

I've added Bird Isle quests, to start off 2018.

I've also changed my in-game name.  If you're looking for me on Roan or Pinto, I'm now Rip! But everybody still addresses me as SoulPieces.  And I'll probably change my name back eventually.  My profile even still says "SoulPieces" and that's my name basically everywhere else.

But anyways, here's to 2018, and to having a meme as a name.


Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 10th Updates

Added Coati companion information and Israeli Local Horse location, in accordance with the new update.

Still working on quest guides, it's just a little slow going right now.  I've had a lot of real-life things going on that have kept me busy.  Thanks for your continued support!


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November 15th Updates, Font Size Issue Addressed

Added Hare Isle Quests tonight!  I believe I got them all.  They're probably laden with typos, I'm sure Amity will be on soon to help me out there.  They're pretty great at proof-reading.

Also, I realized just how small the "small" font setting is on the other quest pages.  When I go to try to fix it, however... It just stays small.  It's looking like I'll have to completely remake these pages, which sounds like a job that will take me a few hours.  It's currently 12:20AM on a Wednesday night, however, so perhaps this isn't the best time to take on that particular job.

Next up, Bird Isle quests.  And hopefully that font will be fixed.  I love small type as much as the next weirdo, but this is almost illegible.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

November 12th Updates

Added unmappable NPC locations guide, horse breed locations, tack/comp locations, and fixed some typos in the quests.

If I missed anything (I'm almost certain I'm missing some NPCs!), please shoot me an email/PM me in-game and let me know!
