Bird Isle Quests


Another Land of Horses?

Requirements:  Rake, Complete Dominique's Child's Lost Teddy Bear
Quest Points:  75
Rewards:  $25,000

Talk to Dominique again and she'll tell you about a message in a bottle that she wants you to go find.  Head south of Gertrude's cabin, and rake beneath the single palm tree.  Take the bottle back to Gertrude to complete the quest.

Cadence Plants a Community Garden

Requirements:  None
Quest Points:  100
Rewards:  $22,500

Cadence needs you to get 6 seed packets from the residents of southern Wington.  You will need to see...

  • Dominique
  • Zachava
  • Gertrude
  • Zamora
  • Patience
  • Elaina

After that, she sends you to pick up some fencing and stakes from the local blacksmith.  Return to her with all the supplies to complete her quest.

Cadence's Mole Problem

Requirements:  Complete Cadence Plants a Community Garden
Quest Points:  50
Rewards:  Ruby Necklace

Cadence needs a trap to catch the mole in her garden.  She sends you to Liam, the blacksmith in Wington.  Sadly, he doesn't have one.  Cadence then sends you to Cara Cook, the Food store owner, to ask for some barrels.  Of course, she doesn't have any.  Return to Cadence empty-handed to complete the quest.

Cara's Lost Niece

Requirements:  None
Quest Points:  50
Rewards:  $5,000, a Gold Chain

Cara's niece, Zoe, has gone missing.  You'll find her in the flower garden next to the Florist.  Zoe is hiding because she threw out some truffles and is afraid that Cara is mad at her.  Return to Cara, who will assure you that she is not mad at Zoe.  Pass this news on to Zoe, who will return to the feed store.  Talk to Cara once more to complete the quest.

Dominique's Child's Lost Teddy Bear

Requirements:  Binoculars
Quest Points:  50
Rewards:  4 Leaf Clover, Topaz

Dominique tells you that her daughter lost her teddy bear in the woods by Zamora's cabin.  Head to the middle of that forest and use your binoculars, where you will locate the bear.  Take it back to Dominique.

Ferrel Ironman's Bits

Requirements:  None
Quest Points:  25
Rewards:  $25,000

Ferrel asks you to deliver some bits to Goodwin Ryder in Appleton.  Easy as that - you don't even have to return to him to complete this quest.

Flour for Elaina

Requirements:  None
Quest Points:  25
Rewards:  $2500

Elaina asks you to run to the feed store to pick up some flour for her cookies.  Complete the errand, complete the quest.

Gertrude's Broom

Requirements:  None
Quest Points:  25
Rewards:  $10,000

Gertrude asks you to go find her broom.  First, she sends you to Evelynn, who doesn't have it.  Then, you're sent to Iris, who actually does have it.

Getting Betty Garments Organized

Requirements:  5 Logs
Quest Points:  200
Rewards:  1 Tan Cowboy Hat, 1 Pair of Black Cowboy Boost

Betty Garments, the clothes shop owner, asks you to help organize her store. First you'll need 5 logs and to make a stop by the blacksmith for some nails - she gives you $100 for this.  Then she'll send you to Whiskerton to grab some bins and paint from the General Store.  Return to Betty to complete the quest.

Jack Reelin's Fish

Requirements:  5 Ebony Logs, 5 Logs
Quest Points:  125
Rewards:  2 Pearl Necklaces

Talk to Jack Reelin about his fishing trophy to start this quest.  He asks you to find someone to recreate the fish he had to release, and gives you $5,000 to cover travel expenses.  Woody is your man for this job - he lives on the bottom left part of Web.  He'll ask you for 5 Logs and 5 Ebony Logs, as well as $2,000.  Once he's carved the fish, take it to Pablo on Art to have it painted for $1,000.  Bring the finished project back to Jack to finish the quest.

Karee Dentin Serves Up Toothbrushes

Requirements:  none*
Quest Points:  75
Rewards:  $17,5000

*I'm not sure, but I believe you have to talk to everyone in Soaring Meadows before this quest becomes available.  I noticed it was available sometime after completing Harmony's quests and Sunny and Storm's Martial Strife.

Karee asks you to deliver some toothbrushes to the residents of Soaring Meadows.  Make sure you deliver a toothbrush each to Harmony, Rainey, Melody, Sunny, Storm, River, Frederick, and Willow.

Karee Dentin's Camel Toothbrush

Requirements:  Complete Karee Dentin Serves Up Toothbrushes, Complete Laurence's Companion
Quest Points:  75
Rewards:  $22,500

Karee now asks you to take a toothbrush to Laurence on Torrid Isle for his camel.  First, take the toothbrushes to Liam, the blacksmith, to be reinforced.  Deliver the toothbrushes, then return to Karee.

Opal Sandstone's Sapphire:  Miss Mabel Investigates

Requirements:  Magnifying glass, a LOT of patience
Quest Points:  300
Rewards:  $50,000

Opal Sandstone's sapphire has gone missing, and it's up to you to help her find out where it's gone.  This sapphire, called the Star of Solomon, is supposedly a key to a massive treasure.  Listen to her talk about how she came into possession of the stone, and she will provide you with the only clue she has:  a small piece of green-colored cloth that likely tore off the suspect when they escaped.  She will then take the broken case outside to set it in sunlight so that you can get a closer look.

Walk outside of the rock shop and go around back, and use your magnifying glass to investigate.  You will notice that the lock was pried open with a tool - either a screwdriver or a knife - with a notch on its edge.  Go back inside to share your findings with Opal.  She will tell you that Ms. Mabel, a famous detective in her hayday, would be the ideal person to talk to about clues.. If she's still alive.  Before you go off to find her, Opal gives you one more clue:  a suspicious man with a woman-like voice who once tried to sell her a donkey.

Head to Dolphin Isle and check the retirement community there.  Ms. Mabel is very much alive, and lives in the cabin on the west side of Flipperton.  Share the story with her, and she'll talk you through the clues to help straighten out the story.  She will tell you to talk to fabric makers to find out what they know about the piece of cloth you have, and to talk to the residents of Wington about the mysterious, poorly-disguised stranger.  Just before heading out, she tells you that you need six clues.

Talk to Kilye north of Tropicton to find out that she's the maker of the fabric.  This gives you clue #1:  the Clue of the Blue-Green Dye.

Next, on to Wington.  You will need to talk extensively to each of these residents in order to receive the clues necessary: 
Aura Hayward will give you the Clue of the Mingled Sands.
Patience will give you the Clue of the Silver Blaze.
Elaina will give you the Clue of the Oddly-Made Horseshoes.
Cara Cook will give you the Clue of the Dogs in the Night-Time.
Betty Garments will give you the Clue of the Jacket Pockets.
Liam Flux will give you the Clue of the Uneven Wear.

Return to Miss Mabel with your new information.  After the Clue of the Mingled Sands, you're sent to Art Isle to continue to investigate.  Talk to Remy Belleeful, who gives you a map of a small island south of Bone Isle.  Talking to Sara on Bone will get you to that isle, conspicuously named "Isle of Solomon."

Once you land on the island, you find yourself face to face with Flo Withego-Solomon, the piretess who stole the Star of Solomon.  After arguing, the Star will reveal treasure.  Flo gives you a choice between the Star of Solomon and Barry Solomon's Beryl.  Take the Star, as that's what you came here for.  She will send you back to Opal, where you can finally complete the quest.

Bonus:  Tell Mabel what you've been through, and she'll gift you a Ruby and a hot cup of Tea.

Seashell Necklace for Patience

Requirements:  15 seashells
Quest Points:  25
Rewards:  $20,000

Patience wants a Seashell Necklace.  You can either find one at a Rock Shop (if someone else has sold one), or have Diedra on Hoof Isle make you one for 15 seashells.

Truffles and Quail for the King

Requirements:  Complete Truffles for Cara Cook
Quest Points:  50
Rewards:  $10,000

Cara asks you to deliver Truffles and Quail to King Phil on Hotzeplotz.  Return to Cara to receive your reward.

Truffles for Cara Cook

Requirements:  Rake, Complete Cara's Lost Niece
Quest Points:  175
Rewards:  $60,000, Ruby Necklace

Cara asks you to gather one dozen truffles for her.  Speak with Fritz, who lives in Cantle Meadows on Saddle Isle, who owns a pig named Ruffles.  Ruffles will lead you around the forest in search of these truffles - Rake where Ruffles pops up.

Truffle #1

Truffle #2

Truffle #3

Truffle #4

Truffle #5

Truffle #6

Bonus:  Ruby Necklace

Return Ruffles to Fritz, then take the truffles to Cara.

Wington Tack in Shambles

Requirements:  10 Logs
Quest Points:  250
Rewards:  $50,000

Tessa Strap asks you to help her repair her Tack Shop.  First, you're sent to Karl in Whiskerton for 3 buckets of pitch.  Karl asks you to grab an empty pail from Daria before giving you what you need.  Tessa gives you $4,000 for the buckets, then sends you to Rebecca in Carrotton with another $2,000.  Rebecca asks you for 10 Logs and $1,000.  Tessa rewards you with another $5,000, and finally asks you to pick up some nails from Liam.  Bring the bucket of nails back to her to complete the quest.

Zachava's Matching Necklaces

Requirements:  2 Seashell Necklaces
Quest Points:  25
Rewards:  $20,000

Zachava asks you to bring her 2 Seashell Necklaces.

Zamora's Family Stone

Requirements:  Rake
Quest Points:  50
Rewards:  a Wishing Coin, $5,000

Zamora has lost her family jewel in a nearby flower patch.  Use your rake to dig it up and return it to her.

Soaring Meadows

Frederick's Matzo Ball Soup

Requirements:  3 Carrots, shovel
Quest Points:  100
Rewards:  $25,000

Frederick is wanting to make Matzo Ball Soup for his sick granddaughter, and asks you for help in obtaining some of the ingredients.  He'll send you out with $500 to get...
  • Peppercorns (from Rika on Spice Isle, for $250)
  • Matzo (from Ethel, the Hotton General Store owner, for $250)
  • Celery and Onions (from the Bird Isle Community Garden - dig)
  • 3 Carrots
Return to Frederick with all the ingredients to complete the quest.

Harmony's Lost Harmonica

Requirements:  Shovel
Quest Points:  100
Rewards:  $7,500

Harmony in Soaring Meadows has had her harmonica hidden by a jealous sister.  Dig behind Helga's house on Dolphin to find it.

Harmony's New Clarinet

Requirements:  5 Ebony Logs, 25 chunks of Silver Ore, Complete Harmony's Lost Harmonica
Quest Points:  250
Rewards:  $100,000

Harmony gave away her clarinet to a student in need, and asks you to help her get a new one made.  Go see Xamba on the far-west island of Jungle Isle.  He will ask you to talk to Sandy Flint, the rock shop owner near Appleton, for the keys, as well as ask for 5 ebony logs.  Give him the logs first, then head to Appleton after receiving the key molds.  

Sandy will ask for 25 chunks of Silver Ore in order to make the keys.  Give that to him, and he will send you to Barrett Braunbag on Tail Isle to pick up reeds - he'll ask for $1000.  Return to Sandy to pick up the keys, then go back to Xamba with all the materials.  Finally, give the clarinet back to Harmony, and optionally ask her to play it for you.

Rainey's Letter

Requirements:  none
Quest Points:  50
Rewards:  $25,000

Rainey asks you to deliver a letter to Cosmo in Sunshine Meadows.  Cosmo gives you a letter to give when you return to her.

Sunny and Storm's Marital Strife

Requirements:  none
Quest Points:  25
Rewards:  $12,500

An easy quest - just click through the dialogue between Sunny and Storm (starting with Storm), and make them see that their argument is pointless.

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